A hospital anteroom can be an exceptionally useful tool for a hospital or other healthcare facility. But if you’re not sure what an anteroom is or how they may be useful in your particular situation, you’ll understandably be reluctant to make an investment.
Below we have summarized some of our most popular content on the usefulness of the hospital anteroom for an easy to scan anteroom guide.
If you want to go even deeper, download our Guide to Hospital AnteRooms.
Uses for a Hospital Anteroom
There is not one correct way to use a hospital anteroom. These modular units can be used in a range of different scenarios as an infection control measure. For instance, construction projects that tend to stir up dust and debris can present a hazard to patients in a hospital. The use of a hospital anteroom, in this case, can protect patients from dangerous pathogens in that dust by providing a seal between the construction area and patient rooms.
Check out the rest of the blog, which includes full descriptions of the best uses for a hospital anteroom here: 3 Uses for a Hospital Anteroom.
Hospital Anterooms and Green Construction
Hospital construction has an impressive impact on the community where it takes place. Not only does a new or renovated facility mean more places for community members to receive treatment and care, but the construction itself has an impact on traffic, air quality, and other important environmental factors.
This community impact has made green construction and specific classifications such as LEED certification very important in the healthcare industry. While it may not seem obvious, hospital anterooms can play a role in a facility that is cleaner and greener than it might otherwise be.
Read the rest of the blog here: How an Anteroom fits with LEED Certification Objectives
The Fiscal Benefits of an Anteroom
Like any other piece of equipment, an anteroom is an investment. You don’t want to buy a piece of equipment without knowing what the financial benefits and drawbacks could be. That’s exactly why we put together an easy to understand chart that outlines the ways in which an anteroom can save your facility money while making it safer for patients as well as staff.
Get our Cost Benefit Analysis of a Hospital Anteroom.
The Evolution of the HEPACART™ AnteRoom
While there are certainly different anteroom manufacturers and brands, we want to get specific about the HEPACART™ AnteRoom and what makes it different from other options. For instance, the idea for our AnteRoom was born out of a need for affordable patient isolation options in a Kansas VA hospital. It turned out the custom product HEPACART™ created for this purpose had wide-reaching appeal, and a new product line was born.
To read about the complete evolution of the HEPACART™ AnteRoom, read our blog here: The Product Evolution of the HEPACART™ AnteRoom.
Only you can know for sure whether investing in an anteroom makes sense for your facility. However, with all the information we have about its usefulness and cost effectiveness, there is no time like the present to learn a little bit more and make the choice for yourself.