Electrical contractors face extensive challenges in any patient care facility when it comes to containing dust and debris.

Designed by Electrical Contractors for Electrical Contractors
We recognize the environmental risks associated with electrical installation and testing in a healthcare or high-risk facility.
The HEPACART® ceiling access cart was specifically designed for a specific low voltage testing project involving our sister company, TED Systems, in a local children's hospital in 2003. The goal then as it is now was to safely and quickly contain the area, penetrate the ceiling, complete the work and move on to the next point. Simply put, the HEPACART® moves from location to location on the job site with little take-down and set-up time, offering contractors faster and safer access to their work areas and using fewer man-hours.
Many of the options available for our HEPACART® ceiling access carts were the result of direct input from electrical contractors. The pass-thru slips in the curtain, now available on all models, allow wire and cable to be pulled up into the HEPACART® from outside the cart. The work order permit display holder prevents interruptions and the small tool / laptop shelf provides ample space for recording data. These are just a few of the options suggested by electrical contractors.
The HEPACART® CAP (Cabling Access Point) provides an access point in the ceiling to assist installers in pulling cable and protecting the surrounding space from dust, dirt and debris.
Electrical contractors and hospitals, continue to tell us that HEPACART® products are far superior to vinyl zip-lock tents, plastic carts and other tent-on-wheels products. They cite productivity, safety, and the long-term value of a product that can be adapted over time.
While the HEPACART® ceiling access carts was designed with electrical contractors in mind, it has ultimately been adapted to protect the environment in a wide-range of construction, renovation and maintenance applications.